1. We need to represent books and authors. Authors should have a first and last name and a mailing address. Sometimes books change their titles and number of pages, and it we often need to add just one extra page, so it would be good to have a simple way of doing that. Given a book, I should be able to get all of its authors, and given an author I want to be able to get all the books they've written. 2. Books can be paperback or hardcover, and hardcover books can either be regular or special edition. Paperbacks cost less, and a special edition's price depends on whether or not it has a certificate with it. The number of copies we print will also depend on the type of book, there's a formula for paperback based just on the number of pages, but for hardcover it depends on the author, and for special editions, we always print a fixed number. 3. Authors are either contractors (who have an agent and are paid solely on the number of pages they've written), or salaried (who have an annual salary based on the number of years they've worked with the company). We need to be able to see for any given author how much they've been paid over the years