Investments Basics

So upon graduation, me like any other student has come across the question, what now? Well if you’re lucky maybe you’ll have a job, and this will help you get...

Why I play a text based game in 2020

So I get a lot of comments when people learn that I’ve been playing a bland looking RPG for the past 10 years. Well, today, I plan to take a...

CCC/CCO Selected Solutions (2010-2014)

Introduction I actually wrote all of editurials when I was in highschool, and had them on my old blog. I removed it because I couldn’t find a good way to...

Open Source in the Enterprise

Abstract Open source has been gaining lots of steam in recent years. Several enterprise companies are adopting these “open source” projects (where source code is free for use, modification and...

Infamous Heisenbug

Solution for NOI00P1 - Cermaic Necklace Heisenbugs are quite interesting but often people will have never heard of the terminology or better yet, experience it in practice. Well today I...